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Washington, DC   |   City

Relational Network
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Sentiment Analysis
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Juxtapositions for Washington, DC
New York
Barack Obama
Juxtapositions for Washington, DC:

Historic (2004-11-01 to 2010-02-16)
Rank Entity Name Count Score Coref./Ref.
1 D.C. 861746 4429205.2
2 D.C 295307 1730339.6
3 New York 279909 862105.0
4 Barack Obama 242223 795725.2
5 U.S. 356284 776401.9
6 Oregon 173107 763635.3
7 White House 167322 623578.6
8 Bush 221119 610477.9
9 Philadelphia, PA 121299 544674.5
10 Capitol Hill 88975 510303.0
11 Iraq 187929 506766.8
12 California 150321 496410.6
13 Atlanta, GA 105773 494183.2
14 Iran 131814 489301.3
15 Chicago, IL 114463 447521.7
365 days (2009-02-16 to 2010-02-16)
Rank Entity Name Count Score Coref./Ref.
1 D.C. 182612 1033835.5
2 Barack Obama 124801 388945.0
3 D.C 57395 372513.6
4 U.S. 91640 248438.1
5 White House 57506 246398.6
6 New York 61025 233734.2
7 Capitol Hill 32520 208696.9
8 Associated Press 51334 173914.8
9 Oregon 31947 163536.3
10 Obama 39398 144608.2
11 Philadelphia, PA 26187 135145.2
12 Iran 31953 127898.8
13 Chicago, IL 24821 119284.2
14 California 29747 118563.4
15 US 22926 106855.5
30 days (2010-01-17 to 2010-02-16)
Rank Entity Name Count Score Coref./Ref.
1 D.C. 5860 43622.6
2 Barack Obama 5340 25008.1
3 D.C 2120 18059.5
4 Associated Press 2560 13161.6
5 U.S. 2630 13108.4
6 New York 2040 12811.0
7 White House 1880 12305.2
8 State 1530 10991.5
9 Capitol Hill 1270 10772.1
10 Obama 1540 9445.6
11 Baltimore, MD 1070 9202.5
12 Philadelphia, PA 1150 9078.7
13 Democrats 1390 8474.0
14 Massachusetts 1080 7803.0
15 California 1200 7673.2
Popularity Time Series:

References Per Million vs. Moving Average (log|linear)

Reference Share by Type News vs. Business vs. Entertainment vs. Sports vs. Other
Sentiment Analysis for Washington, DC:

Polarity Ranks vs. Subjectivity Ranks
Positive Raw Counts vs. Negative Raw Counts (log|linear)
Where is Washington, DC HOT?:

Relational Network:

Also known as: Washingtondc, WashingtonDC., WashingtonDC, WashingtonD.C., WashingtonD.C, Washington.DC., Washington.DC, Washington.D.C., Washington.D.C, Washington-DC, Washington-D.C., Washington-D.C, Washington, DC, Washington Dc, Washington D_C, Washington DC........, Washington DC., Washington DC This, Washington DC The, Washington DC On, Washington DC It, Washington DC, Washington D.c., Washington D.c, Washington D.C......, Washington D.C.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, Washington D.C. With, Washington D.C. Will, Washington D.C. Who, Washington D.C. When, Washington D.C. What, Washington D.C. To, Washington D.C. This, Washington D.C. The The, Washington D.C. The, Washington D.C. That, Washington D.C. Or, Washington D.C. On, Washington D.C. La, Washington D.C. It, Washington D.C. Inc., Washington D.C. In, Washington D.C. How, Washington D.C. From, Washington D.C. For, Washington D.C. Corporation, Washington D.C. By, Washington D.C. At, Washington D.C. As, Washington D.C. An, Washington D.C., Washington D.C!!!!!!!!!!, Washington D.C, Washington D. C. To, Washington D. C. This, Washington D. C. The, Washington D. C. It, Washington D. C. In, Washington D. C. Are, Washington D. C., Washington D-C. The, Washington D-C. It, Washington D-C. From, Washington D-C. For, Washington D-C., Washington D-C, WashingtoN, DC, WashingTon, DC, WashingTON, DC, Washing-ton DC, Washing-ton D.C., Washing-ton D.C, Washin=gton DC, WashIngton, DC, WashINGTON, DC, Wash-ington DC, Wash-ington D.C., Wash-ington D.C, WaShington, DC, WAshington, DC, WAshington DC, WAshington D.C. For, WAsHINGTON, DC, WAShington, DC, WASHington, DC, WASHiNGtON, DC, WASHiNGTON, DC, WASHINgton, DC, WASHINGton, DC, WASHINGtON, DC, WASHINGTon, DC, WASHINGTOn, DC, WASHINGTON-D.C., WASHINGTON, DC, WASHINGTON The D.C., WASHINGTON DC On, WASHINGTON DC, WASHINGTON D.c., WASHINGTON D.C. The, WASHINGTON D.C. On, WASHINGTON D.C. It, WASHINGTON D.C. For, WASHINGTON D.C. By, WASHINGTON D.C. Are, WASHINGTON D.C. An, WASHINGTON D.C., WASHINGTON D.C La, WASHINGTON D.C, WASHINGTON D. C., WASHINGTON D-C, OF WASHINGTON DC IN, IN Washington DC, IN WASHINGTON DC, IN WASHINGTON D.C. AS, IN WASHINGTON D.C.
Generated on 6th March 2010 00:14
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